Baby Sleep Device Recalls

Companies want to sell you the magic fix. But what about safety?

Last week, one of our Parent and Me classes was having a discussion about their babies’ sleep - always a hot topic. Questions about the announcement by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPCS) that weighted baby sleep sacks, swaddles and clothing aren't safe, brought to light how worried some of them were about having to stop using something they believed was helping their baby sleep better.  Several moms and dads asked if there was a brand of weighted sleep products that was safe to use. We were surprised by the number of parents who were clearly distressed at the thought of no more weighted sacks or swaddles.

Meanwhile, we thought, here we go - yet another baby sleep product, discovered to be unsafe! If only parents knew how many times we’ve seen this scenario reenacted. For them, it feels personal. Company X, you sold me this product and I assumed it was safe and now I feel duped yet reluctant to give up something I think helps my baby sleep better.

These devices are understandably tempting because sleep is notoriously elusive in a baby's first four months. And who wouldn’t assume that they’re safe, if they’re on the market?  

Sadly, just because you can purchase something, doesn’t mean it’s safe. Even, shockingly, things sold for babies. In the case of the weighted sleepwear, the concern is that they can lower a baby’s oxygen levels.

Products designed to “magically” solve your baby’s sleep, many of which are eventually deemed to be unsafe, have come and gone countless times before. We have seen a parade of these “miracle gadgets” over the years. Ever heard of the Nap Nanny? And of course, the Rock’n Play (and similar inclined sleepers) recall. The super popular Doc-a-tot is not safe for sleep, which we spotted when it first came out. Our government’s consumer protection policies don’t research these products thoroughly before they are offered to bleary-eyed, sleep-desperate parents. These companies prey on parents’ vulnerabilities. They only care about their bottom line.

The irony about these products is they often don’t move the needle significantly in improving babies’ sleep. It’s easy to imagine they do, because young babies develop rapidly and so does their sleep – so it can surely seem as if a device is helping. In the early months, parents are constantly trying to crack the code on the perfect recipe of sleep tips and an unusually good night’s sleep can cause us to cling ever more tightly to whatever was in place that night. Being asked to remove a piece of the painstakingly crafted puzzle can feel scary.

The irony about these products is they often don’t move the needle significantly in improving babies’ sleep.

In the end, removing the weighted suit or positioner goes just fine, keeping a young baby’s sleep status quo (which is to say, naturally bumpy and challenging), but the benefit is peace of mind in safety. Not only that, weighing a baby down or propping them to sleep ultimately gets in their way, because over time, they need increasing freedom of movement for sleep to progress.  So, sticking to an empty crib with a firm mattress is a win-win for both safety and sleep development.

Sleep is a natural, hard-wired function in the human brain. Babies are built to sleep, but until the age of five months, we can’t expect them to be quite ready to self-soothe and sleep independently, or through the night. 

We want you to be informed consumers of baby products and confident that, without the gadgets, your baby is naturally progressing in their sleep abilities. It takes time (5 months). Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you’re ever wondering whether a baby sleep product is safe. The next trendy, “magical” trick is surely right around the corner, but we’re ready for it!

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